• Tue. Sep 3rd, 2024

For A Free & Vibrant Media

Affiliates Support Programme Launched to Support Member Organizations

Feb 29, 2020

The GPU has launched the Affiliates Support Program aimed at building the capacity of registered groups associated with the press union. It’s part of GPU’s Civil Society Fund of Denmark-funded project that was launched in June 2019.


Six member groups will be supported to formulate organization policy, administration, finance, communication and advocacy.

The formal affiliates under this project are:

• Women Journalists Association of The Gambia
• Young Journalists Association of The Gambia
• Sports Journalists Association of The Gambia
• Network Agricultural Communicators
• Human Rights Network The Gambia
• The network of Community Radios of The Gambia


There is a total of sum of D2 million for the Affiliates Support Program.
Out of this, D900,000 is for the affiliates to send their members to MAJaC for training. Each of them has D150,000 from the D900,000.
There is another D900,000 for affiliates to implement their own activities. Like the other one, each of them will also have D150,000 from this amount.
Also as part of the project each of the affiliates is to send in an intern to the GPU for two months and the person will receive transport allowance each month.

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