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For A Free & Vibrant Media

GPU Board, Staff Conclude Annual Planning Retreat

Jan 10, 2022

The Executive Board and Staff of the Gambia Press Union (GPU) on Sunday concluded an annual review and planning retreat at the Football Hotel in Yundum.

The event, held from the 6th to 9th January, 2022, is in line with plans to strengthen the operations of the Union, introduce the new board to their mandates and those of the secretariat staff, and to plan for the implementation of programmes aimed at strengthening press freedom and freedom of expression.

The retreat also allowed for the Board to set out a list of priority programmes that would be implemented by the Secretariat this year.

“It was a great platform that served as an opportunity to set out our collective priorities and work towards achieving them,” GPU President, Muhammed S. Bah said of the retreat. “Our leadership is committed to executing the task ahead.”

In 2021, the GPU implemented a series of activities on membership welfare, safety of journalists, advocacy on access to information, and trainings on thematic beats for journalists to enhance professionalism.

Six (6) activities were implemented in the first quarter of 2021, ten (10) activities in the second quarter of 2021, and seven (7) activities in the third quarter, and seven (7) in the fourth quarter of 2021. 

Despite the obstacles brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and the resultant declaration of state of emergencies, most of the activities that required the participation of the board and staff, and consultancies to develop certain policies and operational documents were undertaken. 

The retreat covered key aspects like the review of board and staff roles; GPU’s human resource and finance policy; membership benefits and legal assistance policies; and sexual harassment policy; a review of projects and partners.

The annual national journalism award, GPU’s subsidiaries, and fundraising strategies were also discussed. Board level committees on programmes and welfare were also set up during the course of the retreat.

In her closing remarks, the GPU Vice President, Isatou Keita, said “it was important for both the board and staff to work together to achieve our plans and programmes as set out in the 2022 priorities.”

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